Ellen G. White was given a remarkable spiritual gift by God to prepare His people to live in these last days. She lived from 1827 - 1915. She was appointed by God to be His special messenger to His people. During her lifetime she wrote more then 5,000 articles and 40 books. Ellen Whites writings have been translated in many languages and is the most translated woman writer in history.
The Seventh-day Adventist church was raised up by God to bring His final message to the earth before He comes back. His church needed lots of instruction and guidance and Ellen White was chosen to relay His instruction and comfort to His people.
Reading her writings can help all the people of the world. She was given instruction in health during a time the world believed smoking was good for your lungs and harmful drugs were given. Her health message continues to be proven by experts today and is still in advance of the world. In 2009 the US News and World Report listed 10 things people can do to live longer and improve their health. Number #9 was to live like a Seventh-day Adventist.
Ellen Whites writing cover many subjects. Religion, education, social, evangelism, prophecy and more besides the health message.
Her writings never replace the Bible. She described herself as a lesser light guiding to the greater light, which is the Bible. The Bible will always be first. Ellen Whites writings constantly encourage and instruct people to study the Bible. Others that call themselves prophets or messengers from God will show their falseness by instructing their followers to ignore the Bible in favor of their own writings.
Commissions Earned
Ellen G. White: Prophet of DestinyEllen G. White: Prophet of Destiny
by Rene Noorbergen"In April, 1906 Ellen G. White was granted a vision foreseeing the destruction of the city of San Francisco. Two days later, an earthquake struck, leveling the city. Once again, Ellen G. White had somehow seen into the future. Since girlhood, she had had more than 2,000 visions, revealing truths of religion, history, medicine and nutrition, often foreshadowing scientific discoveries yet to be made. Inspired by these visions and her sense of the presence of God, Ellen G. White worked throughout her life, first to help found the Seventh-day Adventist Church, then to spread its word around the world. She lived to see it become one of the major religious forces of our time; and during her lifetime, wrote more than fifty books which have been translated into one hundred languages and sold in the millions of copies. All of this she accomplished in the face of dire poverty, with no formal schooling beyond the third grade. Rene Noorbergen's bestseller is a full and fascinating portrait of a truly remarkable, yet strangely little-known woman."
Last Day Events Last Day Events: Facing Earth's Final Crisis
Ellen G WhiteEarth's Last Crisis. A compilation of statements about the end of time taken from 65 sources - Published books, manuscript collections. Learn what will happen at the End Times.
The Desire of Ages
Ellen White's classic on the life of Jesus. Follow Him in these pages from His birth in Bethlehem's stable to His death on the cross, His glorious resurrection, and triumphant return to heaven. (Learn about God's Love for us)
The Great Controversy
The Great Controversy gives a startling overview of the mighty conflict between Christ and Satan from its origins in heaven thousands of years ago to its conclusion on earth in the days just ahead of us. This still-timely book reveals how God will ultimately rid the universe of evil and make all things new.
Patriarchs and Prophets
Patriarchs and Prophets is the first volume in the Conflict of the Ages series. It covers the sweeping panorama of human history from the creation of Earth to the reign of Israel's King David.
Diet by Design will change your life!
This book is based on Ellen White's counsel on Healthy Living!"A one-of-a-kind, comprehensive health resource By Dr. Ty Stanley that teaches you about diet and nutrition, food and water safety, food combining, healthy eating tips; lifestyle factors, how to shop for, store, and prepare produce [in a wonderful recipe section], and much, much more! Most other "diet books" present diets that do not work because you cannot wait to get off the diet and eat and eat and eat and eat [with the result of gaining the weight back and more]; however, Diet by Design is not like this because the pleasure of eating surpasses any junk food and fast food available and you can eat till you are satisfied and still lose weight, maintain your weight, or even gain weight if you need to."
Find this review and Book at: Diet by Design
Dear Ones, (Written by Ellen White)I am writing to you in behalf of your Heavenly Father. He is seeking you like a lost sheep. You remember the Bible story? It is about a shepherd who has 100 sheep. But when he brings the sheep home one night, one is missing. He then leaves the 99 sheep and goes out into the wilderness until he finds that lost sheep.
In this parable the shepherd goes out to search for the one lost sheep-the very least that can be numbered. So if there had been but one lost soul, Christ would have died for that one. To read more click Lost Sheep?
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